About the project


About 6%-8% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced if we stop wasting food. Also, in today’s context, when the whole of Europe is going through a recession and a resource crisis, sustainable eating habits are crucial for citizens, especially adults, who are able to shape the eating habits of their whole family. As large cities have the highest food waste, therefore, the ‘FURBUS’ project aims to:

– Change behavior and ensure communities of urban regions develop food resilience and sustainable eating habits and skills through a combination of sharing of best practices and adapting digital (self)education tools.


The project’s objective will be met through the development of a digital map of 60 international best practices, the creation of an online learning course of 50 micro-learning modules and 6 national training activities for 60 adult learners and 30 adult education providers in partner countries. Also, it is expected that at least 120 adult learners will be engaged to enrol on the ‘FURBUS’ learning course through online dissemination activities. The exchange of international best practices as well as practical knowledge and skills on how to ensure more responsible food purchasing, preparation, and consumption is expected to change the habits of adults in urban communities to encourage positive environmental and economic changes.


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